
Welcome All! I'm a dreamer, I hope you are too! A Posse ad Esse, or From possibility to reality, is a general state of mind. I hope you'll share your possibilities with me as I will with you. Namaste~

June 23, 2010

Around the 'Stead

It's getting to be that time of the year around here.
Some things have been a surprise, others a little slow to get going, but over all, I've been pretty happy so far. I guess I just have to keep in mind that after all, it is only June 23rd.

I could go into more detail, but in the interest of my just getting caught up, I think I'll just give you all a little over view.

These are my Hamson Tomatoes. A very good producing, heirloom, determinate canning tomato.

Peppers. Two varieties of Green Bells, some Reds, and Jalapenos.

This corner is harder to get to because of the fountain, so we filled it with Beets and Turnips.
This is the first year that we're trying out Turnips. So far they seem to be doing well!
Here's a new tomato trellising method that I'm trying. I needed to find a way to effectively trellis along my back wall. Hopefully this will hold up well. This trellis is holding 14 plants (7 heirloom San Marzanos, and 7 Roma Tomato plants that I saved seed from.). At the end of the row is some Eggplants too. The front is my spinach beds. They've been producing really well too.
One of my three cut and come again lettuce beds. These will be getting trimmed this weekend. Mmmm Salad time...
A perennial family favorite, Kohlrabi. I never seem to plant enough of these.
Early Girls setting tomatoes should be reddening soon.
Peas... filling out and nearly ready to harvest the bulk of them.
One of this years biggest surprises. Our Artichokes.
You can't see it very well from here, but there were 13 artichokes on the plants at the time I took this. I've harvested a few already too. These were the Artichokes that I over wintered in the greenhouse.

Like so many things, I sometimes have higher expectations of myself and my garden than are realistic, but it seems every year I feel behind. I can only assume that it's because the season seems so much longer as I work on my off season growing and preparing.

The biggest thing I can say was successful so far this year, is this. With the exception of the Artichokes. Every plant I just showcased for you was started from seed. This is a first for us. Some did better than others, and lessons still come with every year, but I have to admit I am proud.

Hope you enjoy the tour. More to come soon!

All the best to you all.


Kate said...

Looking good! I'd love to hear what you do with kohlrabi. Got any recipes to share?

Taylor said...

Wow! Everything looks like it is growing really well- I'm especially impressed with those peas! I like your trellising method for your determinite tomatoes. I've never grown those before, but I'm thinking about doing it next year since I primarily use my tomatoes for canning.

Damn The Broccoli said...

Depending on the type of turnip, you know you can eat the leaves? It's best off young turnips picked early. I over plant then use late thinning picked as baby turnips for an early turnip and this lets the others grow better with more space. Also by this point the leaves start to provide a lot of ground cover.

The leaves off the young turnip can be lightly sweated like spinach and taste quite yumscious. Even better, no wastage, what little is left goes in the Bokashi then the composter.

I have a question about peas as we are doing an heirloom this year. Several of the pods are quite fat but you can see through them if you get the sun behind them, the peas inside still seem really small. Should they grow with the pod or will they fill out afterwards?

If you know the answer I would be very glad of it!

Sue said...

I love seeing pictures of your garden. A comment on kohlrabi-- just eat it!. Like a raw vegetable. It tastes delicious. The main thing you want is that bulb-- just cut off all the rest of the stuff and eat the innards of that bulb. It tastes like a really mild, sweet broccoli.

Camille said...

I need kohlrabi recipes too! I got some in my CSA share and I just can't imagine how to make it a "family favorite." :)