
Welcome All! I'm a dreamer, I hope you are too! A Posse ad Esse, or From possibility to reality, is a general state of mind. I hope you'll share your possibilities with me as I will with you. Namaste~

August 15, 2007

What compost you say??

Well, it seems that this is what happens when I multi-task during a really good documentary. I left out the compost part last night, but did put it into the title. DUH!

All I was going to do was remark that with all of the canning prep yesterday; there was a lot of goodies left over for the compost pile. I have been rolling my new tumbler around the yard every night, and opened it this Saturday to make sure it was moist enough; I think that I will break the 2.5 month mark on this batch. It is cooking away nicely. I am not going to continue adding new stuff to that batch until it is completed. Now having two tumblers, I can begin building a second batch while one is decomposing. I have noticed a boost in the garden also this week, after adding the finished and screened compost from the last batch, no wonder they call it “black gold”. Well, now at least I don’t feel so dumb, I didn’t want you to think I equated our canning with compost? Eeww. On the contrary, I am looking forward to enjoying all of it this winter.

Till later then.


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