As A~ and I (A~, that's my wife, in case your a relatively new reader.) made our decision years ago to live a little differently from everyone else around us we had to make some serious decisions. I guess to be fair we didn't really decide to "
live differently" from our neighbors, that was just the end effect of our actual decision which was to live on one income so that she could raise our children. Anyway, as I was saying, we had to make some choices that it seems many others didn't have to make. For instance, driving around in a $2000.00, 1989 Toyota Camry for nearly 7 years until at 199,400+ miles it decided to crap out on me this past Friday.

Now, to be fair to the car, it's been a really really good car. The only work it's needed in those 7 years has been an alternator, a belt and some oil changes. As for the "crapping out on me...", I think it's probably just the thermostat that froze up.
So then, back to making decisions. One of the lessons that we've learned, and if I can pass anything on to anyone it's this, is to not just deal with what's happening today but at what may happen tomorrow as well. It was in that mode of thinking that A~ and I decided that this spring it was a good time to make some changes in my commuting to work routine. The timing couldn't have been better. We planned either this weekend or next to head out and pick up my new commuter vehicle. It ended up being this weeked.

And here it is... well, here
THEY are. It's still flippin freezing here in Utah and as I think you can tell from the picture we're still getting snow days, so in the short-term I'll be driving the truck to work. I only have a 5.5 mi commute so it's not too bad, either for my pocketbook or the environment, but as least it'll only be short-term.
Here's another shot of the new scooter. I have to say it's even more fun to drive than I thought it would be.

I filled it up after picking it up this weekend and it set me back a whole $1.92 to top off the massive 1.59 gallon tank which should take me in the neighborhood of 140 miles. The plan for at least the next year is this. I'll drive the scooter for probably 7 months out of the year and the other 5 I'll drive the truck. We're budgeting 20/month for my gas whether I'm driving the scooter or the truck. The logic is that the two will balance each other out over the course of the year.
As for the Toyota, it's fate is still up in the air. This is the perfect time for it to crap out on me, as it is just coming up for inspection and registration. for now, it'll stay in the garage for a bit, but soon it'll start getting worked on. I have a nearly fourteen yr old that thinks he's gonna be 16 sooner than the laws of time will allow. He and I will work a little on it here and there if I can determine that it's repairable and it should be ready to go by the time he is. That's just another part of thinking ahead. Like I was saying, that's one of the best tips to living frugally that I could ever pass on.
All the best to you all.