A wonderful Christmas
Hi everyone...remember me? It was a wonderful Christmas for our family, I hope all of yours was as well.
I was able to get home a little early from work on Thursday the 24th and put a few finishing touches on the boys gifts. Yeah, I said gifts, plural. I was feeling pretty ambitious this year so instead of just the rubber band guns, that came out really well I might add, I also made some glass wine bottle guitar slides for them to play on their guitars with as well as some wall mounts to hold them, and for my little "drummer boy" a practice pad for him to pound on in his room. (The walls and his bed frame need a break please!)
As I mentioned previously, I also made A~'s gift this year. I couldn't give it away last week, but I can now. It was a only a picture frame, but a very special one. It's made out of a couple of pieces of wood from a beaver dam that we hiked up to last summer in the Uinta mountains here in UT.
I think she was really happy with it! And speaking of our handmade gifts, she managed to surprise me too. That hat that I showed off last week, the cool knitted one with the ear flaps... that was for me and I didn't even know it. The sneaky woman had me try it on to see how it would fit our oldest son and it was really for me. I didn't see it coming.
Another great part of this particular Christmas was that it was one of the few truly "white Christmas's" in a long time. Truly, because it snowed all day and then we got a good old fashion blowing and drifting snowstorm that night. Take a peak why don't ya...
I took a pretty good video of it, but blogger seems to not like letting me put up videos for some reason?
I've been managing to spend a whole lot of time doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend, so although my post have been lacking severely, you're really not missing anything. I've started really formulating what my goals are going to be for next year, and am getting ready to really kick into gear for 2009. Have you been thinking about it yourself? got any big ideas? I'd love to hear em.
All the best everyone!
I was able to get home a little early from work on Thursday the 24th and put a few finishing touches on the boys gifts. Yeah, I said gifts, plural. I was feeling pretty ambitious this year so instead of just the rubber band guns, that came out really well I might add, I also made some glass wine bottle guitar slides for them to play on their guitars with as well as some wall mounts to hold them, and for my little "drummer boy" a practice pad for him to pound on in his room. (The walls and his bed frame need a break please!)

Another great part of this particular Christmas was that it was one of the few truly "white Christmas's" in a long time. Truly, because it snowed all day and then we got a good old fashion blowing and drifting snowstorm that night. Take a peak why don't ya...

I've been managing to spend a whole lot of time doing a whole lot of nothing this weekend, so although my post have been lacking severely, you're really not missing anything. I've started really formulating what my goals are going to be for next year, and am getting ready to really kick into gear for 2009. Have you been thinking about it yourself? got any big ideas? I'd love to hear em.
All the best everyone!
The past week or so has seen our place covered with 8-10 delicious inches of snow. Covered as in PAST TENSE. :(
Yesterday's 40 degrees and today's rain means patchy green and white and streets full of major slush. Yuck.
Here's wishing you the 2009 you'd like to have.
Peace to you, my friend.
Hi Paul,
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. I am so impressed that you all made gifts for one another.
We had a lovely white Christmas as well, the first white Christmas we've ever had. Beautiful fluffy white flakes fell most of the day. The snow did cause power to go out in our extended neighborhood for most of Christmas day, but we are fortunate to have a generate that kicked right in and kept our day going as planned. It even gave us the opportunity to invite over some neighbors who did not have a generator and that was a nice addition to our Christmas day. Having that generator made us really thankful for the basics: that we were in a warm, dry house, that we had plenty of food to eat, and that we got to share this with others.
Merry Christmas and happy new year!
just stopping by to wish you a late merry christmas and an on time happy new year!
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