
Welcome All! I'm a dreamer, I hope you are too! A Posse ad Esse, or From possibility to reality, is a general state of mind. I hope you'll share your possibilities with me as I will with you. Namaste~

January 26, 2009

I just couldn't wait...

I know, I know I was supposed to wait at least two weeks for the optimal flavour but, and this is the talking myself into it part of the post, I figured that if I didn't at least try the beer, then I wouldn't really be able to tell how much difference there was in the beer from one week to the next so I broke one out on Saturday. I only opened one of the beers thought so don't worry, I'll be enjoying better aged beer next weekend too.

So,wondering how it was aren't you? IT was really good actually. I don't know how much better a weeks gonna make it, but I'd drink this stuff clear though the Superbowl with no problems!

It didn't really form a good head or anything, that may be part of what is yet to come, but there were bubbles in it so the carbonation is developing. As far as testing the beer, I don't know what a week is gonna add to it, but I'm looking forward to finding out.

Till next time...


Kory said...

my dad is an avid wino...or rather wine maker, and you'd be surprised what even a little bit of time like a week can make when you are early in the process. If we're talking aging in terms of months then not so much, but so close to the start I'll bet next week's "sample" will be better.

ilex said...

Congratulations. May all your home brew be really good.

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Anonymous said...

YUM! I am jealous!

Anonymous said...

Yep, the carbonation will improve. That's the biggest thing I've found when drinking my home brews early. The flavours do develop a bit more, but this early it's probably all about carbonation.

I'm now playing the waiting game with my rhubarb champagne. I'm betting I'll give in and crack one this weekend :-).

ummcarter said...

Um this has nothing to do with beer, sorry...you are in UTAH!!!!!!!! ok I'll calm down now I am am in ogden and really want be more successful twards my growing my families food this year. Last year i harvested a grand total of 1 tiny green tomato, 3 radishes and 10000000 box elder bugs. ok i didn harvest the bugs it was more like they harvested me.
