We lost our TV
No , not really; but we did take it out of the bedroom. We decided to try "living" without one in the bedroom. I know a lot of you may think that this is just obsurd. Not the idea that we are taking it out, but rather the fact that we had one in there in the first place. Of course a lot of you probably have one and think we are nuts for taking it out, who knows? I have been slowly trying to wean myself off the tube for a while now; I always feel like there is something I didn't get done at the end of the day, I have a lot of reading that I am trying to get through for instance. Thats not even counting the blogs that I haven't had a minute to catch up on. At any rate, I got the wife to concede for a short period to give it a go. She loves to have the noise in the room when she goes to sleep, and I guess my clattering away on the keyboard isn't enough. It's been nice the last couple of nights to get into bed and get to focus on something other than the news, or some re-run, Although I will admit that I miss the documentaries. We love documentaries and all the best ones seem to come on late at night, almost tempting you into insomnia. This is just one little way to try to simplify life a little. we'll see how it goes.
Just out of curiosity, how many of you have tv's in your rooms? Lurkers, you chime in too OK. You don't have to leave your name, I'm just curious as to where I stand.
We only have one TV. It is in the living room. We've never had on in our bedroom. That time before going to sleep has always been our best talking time.
We have one in our room but don't use it. It's like hidden storage I guess. I understand your wife's need for noise though. For me it's the white noise of a fan. I cannot sleep without it!! :)
No TV anywhere in the house. Got rid of it 4 or 5 years ago. Never really noticed the withdrawls that everyone talks about, but then the TV wasn't even turned on for 3 months before we got rid of it. I'd have to say that was the biggest step we took towards simplifying our life. It's much easier to not buy the makeup when the boob tube isn't telling me I'm ugly and have to have the makeup to make myself pretty. :)
We don't have a tv in our bedroom either, although we used to years ago. I love falling asleep while watching it. Bad I know, but true. These days I watch tv in the living room and fall asleep, then drag myself to bed. SIGN. Not sure which I prefer. I struggle with watching tv too, I'd much rather read or do other things, but then I sit down for just ONE show, and umm, hours later I drag myself to bed. One thing that helps me... for the past 2, almost 3yrs, we have not subscribed to cable. Much less to watch, but ohhhh I miss certain channels!
Good luck to you!
No TV in my bedroom, but my ex loved it. I hate to have the noise when I'm trying to fall asleep. These days, if I watch 5 hours a week, it's a lot. I won't miss it when it finally dies...
We have a little one (13" I think). It stays unplugged the vast majority of the time. It's there basically as a back-up for those rare times that there is something on that I really want to watch in the evenings while dh has control of the remote downstairs!
We have a TV in the living room. We keep saying we're going to give it up and then not giving it up. We don't have cable but that's not really limiting because we get a ton of broadcast channels here - 2 public tv, the four major stations, Univision, UPN/WB merger station, and Baptist, Adventist, and Catholic stations.
We had a roomate who had a TV in her room and it was kind of creepy, having her up there by herself with the flashybox all the time. But now, with a toddler - if we had a roomate again and they were a TV watcher they might have to have their own because so much grownup TV is not kid safe.
I've had it in the room, never will again. I get enough of it in the living room. Getting Tivo helped, I watch what I want, when I want. Can set up to tape the documentaries, but early in the a.m. when the kids are still asleep. Besides I love to read, have to in order to fall asleep! Nice to hear your simplifying life a bit big man!!
Seems I'm not alone in trying to get the TV out of the bedroom. It's been a challenge so far, A~'s been sick the last two days and just wants to lay in bed and watch tv, but can't.
I appreciate all of your comments on this, I guess I should ask for input more often.
Andrea~ yeah Sis, I'm trying to simplify, but you know me, too scatter-brained to focus on my reading with a tv in the room.
No TV in our bedroom either - we used to have one in the bedroom and one in the playroom, but now there is just one in the living room. We eliminated the other 2. Except for documentaries and the occasional movie for the girls, I wouldn't miss the TV at all!
We have one tv and it is in the living room. We just use it to watch DVDs these days.
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