
Welcome All! I'm a dreamer, I hope you are too! A Posse ad Esse, or From possibility to reality, is a general state of mind. I hope you'll share your possibilities with me as I will with you. Namaste~

June 29, 2008

Life is good

Sometimes, you just have to stop and say to yourself. "Self, you lead a pretty darn good life." Yesterday was one of those times.After a long afternoon working in the garden building some long overdue trellis systems for my beans and cukes, I came in to dinner and this little bit of homemade goodness. Mom, you asked what we did with the (now over 14) pounds of strawberries? Well, of course we have frozen a good bit of them for later, but this is just one of the treats of the season, and a reason that I bother to grow food. Homemade strawberry ice cream. Fresh cream, sugar, strawberries and a touch of vanilla, whatya know, ingredients I can pronounce! All credit to A~ on this one, I didn't even know she was making it until I came in a was presented with a taste.

And as for the trellises, well I have to say I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
This one is for beans that I have planted in the middle. I want to train to grow out slightly so that I can reach them. As always, we'll see how it works and adjust next year.
And here's the updated view of the whole raised bed section.


Robbyn said...

The ice cream looks awesome, and so do the garden beds!

Anonymous said...

The ice cream looks great.

I love the trellis system.


Anonymous said...

Your beds look great and your trellises. I had my dad build giant tomato cages a couple years ago from wood and we call them the skyscrapers! Great idea for what to do with all the strawberries too! I have yet to make vanilla ice cream but hopefully very soon. Nothing is better for dessert than ice cream and strawberries fresh from your garden. Or strawberry ice cream!

Rhonda Jean said...

oh my, that icecream looks delicious. Well done A! I just showed Hanno your trellis, we both think they're great.

Tara W. said...

Love the trellis's. I may "borrow" your design. ;)

P~ said...

I have to say ladies...The ice cream is delicious. I had another bowl tonight. A~ does good work.

Thanks for the compliments on the trellis too. They just sort of evolved that way while I was trying to find a solution to how to support the strings. Hopefully with very few upgrades I should be able to get a few good years of use out of these. I also forgot to mention that if you notice, some of the wood is a bit warped. I asked for the wood seconds at the home store and got it for 50% off! It never hurts to ask!
Feel free to copy them all you like Tara. Let me know if you need measurements.

Gypsyheart Lady said...

I did so enjoy this blog post. You are right. Life is good !

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