
Welcome All! I'm a dreamer, I hope you are too! A Posse ad Esse, or From possibility to reality, is a general state of mind. I hope you'll share your possibilities with me as I will with you. Namaste~

February 29, 2008

The Chooks...

I love that name for them; Chooks. I learned that phrase from reading a bunch of Aussie blogs and I think it's just a fun name for them. And here, as promised are "The Chooks":

They saw the camera coming and huddled together. They do this everytime we put a hand into the brooder. I try to make sure that I move slowly to not frighten them, but it doesn't always work. The boys have been handling them at least once a day, so they are slowly becoming hand trained. Any one out there have there birds trained to not hate being touched. Any suggestions?

Here's one of the Ideal 236's. They are by far the fastest maturing birds of the group that we ordered. I haven't been over to my neighbors house since he got his birds, so I wonder how the Reds are doing. Of all the birds, these Leghorns are the flightiest though. They get very skiddish and bee bop around the coop everytime I have to reach in for anything. They'll get there though, I have not doubt.

Sorry that this pictures a little fuzzy, it's one of our black Minorcas. I was surprised today to mind out that the black Minorcas are considered one of the Endagered Classic breeds. So, I guess I am doing my small part to help preserve the rarer breeds after all. These Minorcas are shaping up to be the lovers of the bunch though. They always come over to check me out when I reach in. If I have a bit of feed in my hand they will jump right up there and perch on me and eat it. Polar opposite of the leghorns.

I hate to say it, but we lost a bird early this week. "Buffy" the Buff Minorca was pasting up (another chicken term, basically it's the chicken version of being really plugged up if you get my drift.) and although I was on top of it, cleaning her and making sure she got some water, she just wouldn't eat or drink on her own and left us on tuesday morning.

I thought a little Chicken cam video might be fun. Hmm.. Chicken cam? I may have too try this one again some time.



chuck said...

where is the meeting going to be at for the chickens discussion and what time? my e-mail is chuckt56@msn.com don't like using google that much just not used to it

Anonymous said...

Well done on the "Chooks" yanky boy, you might learn how to speak english yet LOL!
btw, all americans are called yanks to us aussies, just like italians are dings, the english are poms etc :)
How's those new year resolutions coming along??