
Welcome All! I'm a dreamer, I hope you are too! A Posse ad Esse, or From possibility to reality, is a general state of mind. I hope you'll share your possibilities with me as I will with you. Namaste~

February 8, 2008

What to say

I find myself in an unusual place. I have nothing really to say. Well that's not entirely true I guess. If you ask my wife she will probably tell you that I prattle on and on about chickens now that I know I'll be able to get some soon. We should get this breed or that breed, this is how I want to build thir coop, yada yada yada, you know the drill. What I mean is that I haven't really had an opportunity to try any new experiments, no new breads, no yogurt, no turning the compost or planting new plants. Not a lot new going on around the ole homestead. I have, however, just about finished my bookshelves that we'll be placing in our last unfinished room in basement to make it our library; that will certainly be a relief.

It's been driving me a little bit mad though I have to say, to read about so many of your early season plantings, and seed orders. I hope to get to some finalized planting lists very soon.
Sorry for the lackluster posts of late. Things should pick up soon.
Hope you are all well.


Anonymous said...

No need to apologize, it's winter and a blogging slowdown is expected. :)

Having just recently finished my basement, I too went the library route. Well, not intentionally but I have tons of books so I put in about ten feet of floor to ceiling bookshelves. My kids decided to start calling it the library and the name stuck. I hope you enjoy yours.

P~ said...

Thanks, I didn't even realize that you were still checking in with me. Good to hear from you. I saw some of your recent pictures, you look a bit more thawed the we are. I'll have to post a couple tomorrow to show what I've been looking at for the last couple of months. White.